
Industrial Licensing Services

India’s economy was liberalized and deregulated in 1991, which removed the need for industrial permits for the majority of companies to start manufacturing. However, the government continues to regulate industries that may have an impact on national security, public health, or safety.

Industrial licenses in India are governed by the IDRA 1951 Act and are awarded by the Secretariat of Industrial Assistance (SIA) on the advice of the licensing committee. The Act forbids licensed industrial enterprises from creating a new product without acquiring a new license or renewing their existing one. Industries that are subject to compulsory licensing, geographically restricted industrial undertakings, and existing industrial unit expansions are among the industries in India that need industrial licensing.

Some industries in India require mandatory licensing

  • Defense aerospace and warships
  • Hazardous chemicals
  • Industrial explosives
  • Tobacco items

Formation of a business, LLP, or partnership

Proofs of ownership, memoranda of association or articles of association, and certificates of incorporation are necessary for business growth and call for the appropriate licenses.

Udyog Aadhaar Registration

Startups and entrepreneurs wishing to establish and operate Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) can now register for government services through UdyogAadhar Registration.

Shop and Establishment Licenses

The labor department of each state controls employee rights, benefits, and business registration.

License for BOCW

When hiring 10 or more workers for a construction project, a contractor or employer is required to get a building and other construction worker registration certificate within sixty days.

Registration with ESI / EPFO

All newly formed enterprises are now required to register for ESI and EPF at the time of establishment. It is not possible to register separately using the ShramSuvidha portal.

Contract Labour License

In order to protect the safety of contract workers, whether they are employed directly by a contractor or through a subcontractor, the principal employer is in charge of making sure that all CLRA license criteria are fulfilled.

Factory License

Just starting operations, each factory owner needs to register the business, get a license to operate, and get permission from the local government to utilize the facility as a factory.


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John Doe