labour laws

Labour Laws Licensing

All new businesses in India are required to obtain licenses, registrations, or permissions to operate legally. The specific licenses or permissions required depend on the type and location of the business, whether it falls under the jurisdiction of the central or state government.

Under the Constitution of India, labor is a subject in the concurrent list, allowing both the Central and State Governments to enact legislation related to labor relations and employment issues.

Deep Labour law Consultancy is an expert in these diverse compliance requirements and can assist you in identifying the specific licenses or permissions your business may need, and in obtaining them to help you set up your business plans in India.

Advantage with Deep Labour Law

  • Good Liaison with the Government Departments.
  • Web module for employees and employer for tracking PF Transfer, Withdrawal, and Advance & Pension Claims.
  • Expertise in handling large volume data & Expats compliances.
  • Experience of managing 100 ESI Sub Code Numbers for Pan India Location of single establishment and more than 15000 employees PF data processing in a single establishment.
  • Strong domain expertise available in the Management Team.

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John Doe