pf compliances

PF ESIC Compliance Consultants

The use of contract labor through contractors and agencies is common in many nations and industries, encompassing various occupations from skilled to unskilled work. This practice has become a global phenomenon, driven by the market economy, and organizations often have to hire short-term or temporary skilled or unskilled workers to meet occasional surges in demand. Employers must ensure that they protect against double fraud committed by contractors at the expense of contract workers. Additionally, employers must ensure that the prescribed social security and other benefits are extended to contract workers. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in the employer being held responsible for the benefits payable to contract labor.

What We Do

  • Registration and amendment of a Certificate under the Contract Labour Act
  • Issuance of a Labor License under the Contract Labour Act
  • Registration and amendment of a Certificate under the BOCW Act
  • Maintenance of separate compliance records for every contractor required under ESI & EPF Inspection in a statutory format
  • Periodical preparation & submission of all statutory registers & returns as per statutory periodicity
  • Liaising with Government Authorities during or after inspections/visits or otherwise - Support in drafting responses to Government Notices & Observations
  • Web-based Module to track Monthly contractor Compliances for PAN India Locations
  • Carry Monthly Bill Verification Process for all Labor Law Compliances applicable to the contractor and required at the time of inspections.

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John Doe